What water should diabetics drink? In his book, A Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes, Dr. Peter Lodewick answers this question without hesitation; fresh distilled water. The reason that he gives? Diabetics need to reduce the stress that is put on their kidneys. Remember that it falls on your kidneys and your liver to remove the contaminants that you put into your body. All tap water has other “stuff” in it that your body has to deal with.
This same advantage is true for anyone, not just diabetics. The formula is simple; drink plenty of clean water. Oh, and by the way, Dr. Lodewick is a long-time customer of Pure Water. He loves our premium water distillers.
As you know we are living in a time where we all just want clean water. I have been wondering about distilled water and how safe is it? I currently drink Smartwater, but how safe is it?
How do I know what water is the best for my health?
It’s sad that in America we have to ask that question, but here we are.
Hope you have some good answers.
Distilled water is the only way to ensure you’re providing your body with the purest H2O available.
Also anyone with calcium bone deposits should drink distilled water!