The human race is poisoning itself. Do you realize how fast it’s happening?
For thousands of years the human race lived in a chemical-free world. Synthetic chemicals simply didn’t exist. The first chemical from petroleum was created only 140 years ago.
140 years ago the world was still pristine and untouched by synthetic chemicals.
Only 90 years ago, the modern petrochemical industry was born, and yet still most of our environment was untouched by chemicals. Your grandparents probably drank water that was still untouched by chemicals.
In the last century, the human population grew from 1.7 billion to 6.8 billion. This 500% growth drove massive increases in chemical production. Today, over 84,000 different chemicals are in use. Over 5 billion pounds of pesticides are used every year. ‘cides’ are chemicals intentionally designed to kill… Do you want them in your body? How about your child’s body? Your grandchild’s body? Your spouse’s body?
Chemicals are now everywhere in our environment. A study of 178 streams showed that every single stream contained at least one pesticide. 20% of the streams contained more than TEN pesticides.
In the next 25 years the population will increase by another 2 billion people. World chemical production will increase even faster.
And the chemicals end up in our water…
Chemicals in landfills flow into… our streams, rivers and groundwater.
Air pollution falls with rain and flows into… our streams, rivers and groundwater.
Pesticides sprayed on farms ends up in… our streams, rivers and groundwater.
Medicines pass through you and into… our streams, rivers and groundwater.
We drink water from… our streams, rivers and groundwater.
But the government keeps us safe, right? Local water supplies only have to meet standards on 98 contaminants…out of 84,000. Your water can be “legally safe,” yet still contain dangerous chemicals.”
Of the 830 most common contaminants, many are associated with cancer or other diseases. Some of these petrochemicals are dangerous in extremely small quantities.
Would you agree that you need to ensure that your family is consuming pure water? Not just water that is a little bit pure (filters). Not just water that is sometimes pure (reverse osmosis). You need consistently pure water!
Good post, useful blog, thank you for your work, keep on, guys!