Do I Get Minerals from Drinking Water?
Getting minerals from water is a myth. There are four reasons why your body doesn’t need the minerals found in water. It’s important to remember that drinking purified water is important because you won’t introduce contaminants or toxins into your body.
Minerals in Water are Not in a Usable Form
Let’s take a look at how minerals get into water. Pure rain water falls to the ground and dissolves some of the minerals that it touches, thus these minerals are from an inorganic source; rocks. Humans and animals are simply not designed to get our minerals from rocks. You can’t lick a rock of calcium and get much benefit.
Humans and animals get our minerals from plants, or animals that have gotten their minerals from plants. These minerals are called “bioavailable”, or “chelated” and they come from an organic form. Look at your ingredients on any good mineral supplement, for example, and it will say that it’s from “calcium citrate” or some other organic form. Basically, we should eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and meats, because this is where we get our minerals. Dr. Andrew Weil says, “We get our minerals from food, not water.”
There Can Be Harmful Minerals in Water
Not all minerals are good for you. There are many parts of the country that have high levels of arsenic or nitrates, which have both been linked to many different forms of cancer. People definitely don’t want to drink water with arsenic or nitrates in it.
Minerals in Water are Often Mixed with Other Chemicals
There are over 85,000 chemicals registered with the EPA, and an increasing amount are being found in our water supplies. So even if you could get good minerals from water, it would be like dropping a vitamin on the ground and getting it dirty before you take it. You simply don’t know what else is in the water. Instead of drinking whatever is in the water, why not make distilled water first, then add back in minerals to your diet or use mineral drops if you like. Starting with a clean slate is much better! Home water distillation is the key to getting pure drinking water.
Drinking Water Can’t Get You The RDA of Minerals
Anyone who still thinks that they want minerals in their water has to consider that they would have to drink a ridiculous amount of water to get anywhere close to the Recommended Dietary Allowance of minerals in their diet. If you live in Boston, for example, you’d have to drink over 650 glasses of water each day just to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance. This view is backed up by The American Medical Journal that states, “The body’s need for minerals is largely met through foods, not drinking water.”
We have water distillers for sale that will meet the needs of individuals, families, businesses and more. Contact us for details today.
Glen, we (animals) exhale CO2 the plant takes it in and gives us back the oxygen. The plant keeps the carbon. Now the inorganic, (lacking carbon), minerals in the ground get absorbed into the plant. They combine with the carbon and–da–da now we have an organic mineral. Animals live on organic minerals–thats why we are suposed to eat plants or animals–not dirt or soil. The dirt and soil are for the plant kingdom to consume. Ahhh, isn’t mother nature grand. You will get the minerals you need from organic food, not water. However your body is mostly water, thats why we recommend distilled water only. Our body’s deserve the best contaminent free water you can get–thats DISTILLED. Be well,
Midwest Health & Wellness Association