Many people in the scientific community attack organic food by saying that it’s no more nutritious than regular food. Well, that’s not the point! It’s not about having more nutritious food, it’s about what you don’t get; the pesticides and chemicals that shouldn’t be consumed.
If you eat organic food whenever possible, I suspect that you fall into the category of people who question the healthfulness of consuming pesticides, chemicals and genetically modified food. You don’t want to put pesticides in your body or your child’s body. Sounds like a smart move to me.
But what type of water do you drink? What type of water do you cook with? What type of water do you make your coffee and tea with? What type of water do you make your babies formula with?
What is the point of eating organic food if you are putting contaminated water into your body?
I would suggest that the first place to start is to simply ask the question, “is my drinking water safe?”. Understand two key points…
1) We have significantly changed our environment over the past fifty years. Unfortunately, these toxins are increasingly common in our tap water.
2) When the government says that your drinking water is “safe”, they mean that it meets the legal definition of the word “safe”, but that doesn’t mean that it’s free of harmful contaminants. There are many cities that have harmful levels of dangerous chemicals in their water.
Do your own research. Look at our past blogs. Sign up for the daily Above the Fold e-newsletter. Type “water contamination” into Google or a news site, such as CNN or the BBC. The New York Times has a fantastic site on water contamination. Also, be sure to look up your water in the national tap water database. If you do your research, I guarantee that you will be amazed (and not in a good way). Your eyes will open and you will have a strong desire to do something about your water.
So now a whole new area of research opens up to you; how to protect your family. There is a ton of stuff written on water treatment, mostly it’s on filters. Some of it is accurate, some of it is dead wrong and some is deceitful.
My advice: do thorough research, but be skeptical. Research the Gallery of Water Related Psuedoscience, especially the section on understanding the difference between science and pseudoscience (which is a sales pitch that is disguised to sound like legitimate science). Remember that your main goal should be to clean your water. Compare filters, reverse osmosis and distillation. Choose a credible company (preferably USA manufactured) that produces a very good product and stands by what they make.
i love pure water very well i i use to drink can water it is very good too
Thanks Very much i understand the English
that is while i like pure water pure water is very goood