There was an interesting article today by Bloomberg that reported a possible link between Prozac-contaminated drinking water and autism. For many years scientists have thought that there might be a link between something in the water and autism, but they hadn’t made the connection. I’m sure the pharmaceutical industry will have their say about today’s article, which is a big say. Even if the issue were cut and dry, which it’s not, do you expect these drugs to be taken off the market anytime soon? I don’t.
A few years ago I went to a conference put on by the Groundwater Foundation about high levels of pharmaceuticals in streams around the US. These drugs came from pig feed lots, and the measurable levels were quite surprising. The question that they posed was, “how do these pharmaceuticals affect us?” The conclusion…more scientific testing is needed, and of course, more funding for the study. The study would take years to complete (after they receive more funding), and then, in my opinion, would pose more questions. Such as, “what is the result of this pharmaceutical reacting with this chemical”, or “what is the affect if you are exposed to two or more chemicals at once for a long period of time?” Guess what, more funding would be needed and more studies.
That’s fine. It’s a game that scientists play. But I don’t want to play the game. Here’s my answer…
- I don’t know if Prozac or other chemicals are in my water.
- I don’t know if Prozac contributes to autism.
- I am not going to wait for scientists to come to a definitive declaration about what certain chemicals will do to my child’s health.
- I know that there have been high levels of dangerous, yet unregulated chemicals found in my water (as per the Tap Water Database*).
- I know that no one knows the full story of what chemicals are in my water.
- I know that I AM RESPONSIBLE for what my family consumes, not the government.
- I am going to remove everything from my water, and drink only pure water.
So that’s my common sense answer. You can take it as a biased argument from the company that produces the best drinking water systems in the world, or you can see us as a family business that does what we do because we believe in it.
I hope the later.
* To see what is in your water, go here and type your Zip Code into the box on the right side of the page.
There are mothers like me who drink only bottled water, and I rarely drink plain water because I don’t like it. I have never used faucet water for anything because I don’t trust it. It smells terrible, and has fouride in it. My two other children are perfectly healthy, and do not have autism. If it was the drinking water it would affect everyone who drinks it, and you could develop autism over time I would think. I think the government is trying to get people to shutup about it, and hide the fact they put flouride in the water to dumb us down. I believe there is a coverup with the vaccines because they want people to get them. I looked up mercury poisoning, and it can affect people differently like autism, and its many spectrums. My son is being tested soon I hope his autism is not severe. Please people look for yourselves don’t believe everything we are being told.
Our systems are the best way to remove fluoride from your water. Remember that drinking pure water is only half of the equation. When you cook with tap water all of the pure H2O is leaving as steam, and the junk is left behind in your soup or pasta or whatever. It’s important to cook with it too.