Drinking more water is good for your heart, according to researchers. Many people are dehydrated and don’t realize it. Study after study indicates that being well hydrated is vital to maintain one’s health, from helping internal organs work optimally to improving one’s skin. Did you know that the human body is up to 60% water while the heart is composed of 73% water?
Why Don’t We Drink More Water?
Drinking more water seems like an easy goal. Some suggest eight glasses a day; others offer up to 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 cups for men or even calculating water intake based on body weight. So, why does it seem complicated for some of us to drink more water? There are three main reasons why people don’t drink more water.
- We don’t like the taste of water
- We forget to drink water
- We prefer other drinks like soda or coffee
How Can I Get Myself to Drink More Water?
Drink Vapor Distilled Water Instead of Bottled Water or Tap Water
Vapor distilled water from a Pure Water distiller is the best way to get refreshingly delicious water in the comfort of your home. Vapor distilled water is not like the stale water you get in a jug from the grocery store. That water tastes like the plastic it came in! Fresh distilled water tastes crisp and light with no color, odor, or debris. If you think the taste of water bothers you, it is not the water but the contaminants you notice. No one looks forward to a smelly glass of water.
Keep a Water Bottle with You at All Times
Out of sight, out of mind is another issue. If you don’t keep a water bottle with you at all times, you are not as likely to drink. The easiest way to make sure you drink more water is to keep some nearby at all times. Take a water bottle with you when you work, study, drive or walk. You can even set goals to finish a few bottles or glasses a day as a start and go from there. If you use a health app, you may be able to track water intake. We recommend a glass or stainless steel water bottle.
Replace Sugary Drinks with Water
Selecting water over soda, juice, or coffee takes practice. One good tip is to set goals like having water with your meals instead of soda. It takes a little practice, but you can quickly turn actions into habits by sticking with them. Many decide to forgo sugary drinks or find drinks with less sugar completely. Your heart will thank you for making the switch to water.
Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water for Heart Health
Drinking distilled water and staying hydrated clears your body of toxins. By removing toxins like chlorine from your drinking water, you ensure that your body is getting what it needs to be healthy. “Animal studies suggest that chlorinated drinking water may elevate the serum cholesterol.”1 Still, there aren’t enough human studies yet to come to the same conclusion. When chlorine is added to tap water, it kills harmful bacteria. As a secondary measure, chloramines are added at water treatment facilities. Why drink chemicals when you don’t have to?
“Research shows that chloramine and chlorine both have benefits and drawbacks.”2 Chloramine is becoming more popular in water treatment systems and can affect lead and copper pipes. Also, if there isn’t enough chlorine or chloramines added to drinking water, it can lead to illness. Pure Water distillers remove lead, copper, chlorine, and chloramines from drinking water. Suppose the municipal water system or your house plumbing is causing your tap water to become contaminated. In that case, a water distiller will ensure that you are getting the best drinking water available that is 99.9% pure. Moreover, you don’t need to know what is in your water at any given time as the Pure Water distiller removes virtually everything from nitrates and chlorine to pesticides and viruses.
The European Society of Heart Congress concluded that good hydration might decrease the risk of heart failure.3 Scientists believe that drinking water helps the heart function properly and may stave off left ventricular hypertrophy. In the American Journal of Epidemiology, a study on Fatal Coronary Heart disease concluded that drinking five or more glasses of water a day reduced the risk of heart disease.4
Fountain of Health
Drinking more water helps you think better, move better, and feel better. However, no one needs a side of pharmaceuticals or microplastics in their drinking water. If you want to take charge of your health by exercising and eating right, it only makes sense to ensure you are getting the cleanest water available. After all, water is the real fountain of health.
- NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1474325/
- CDC https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/public/water_disinfection.html
- ESC https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/Drinking-sufficient-water-could-prevent-heart-failure
- American Journal of Epidemiology https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/155/9/827/58224?login=true
We’ve had a MIDI since about 1983, purchased from a family’s dad who was selling them after the use of distilled water gave him relief from being bedridden with bone cancer. He got out of bed and sold as many relatives & friends as he could, until he died of old age. I have not used mine for about 10 years, when the timer gave out. Missing it, I bypassed the timer, ran it 2 cycles and just ordered parts. I’m excited to complete its revival. In retirement, now considering selling them.
I would like to suggest that one keep a DAILY LOG of their distilled water consumption. When I started this regimen, I was surprised to discover how miserably deficient I was in keeping up to Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s recommendation of one quart water per 60-lb body weight. Since logging, I have discovered it takes very deliberate effort to drink such a volume of water each day. There are two very important, but not well-known, benefits of consuming such a volume of distilled water: One is a reduction of blood pressure. According to Dr. Kaufman, volume of available water in your body is a factor in blood pressure. No allopathic physician will suggest increasing water consumption for a patient that has recorded a high BP; they will think up some pharmaceutical drug of course! A second lesser-known benefit of drinking such a volume of water is SATIETY. I feel that this is a most important aspect in maintaining a healthy BMI, since no one can go extended durations feeling hungry. Satiety is CRUCIAL, and water is an important contributor.
Also, there is some dispute concerning drinking DISTILLED water. For example, Dr. Mercola warns against this. It does seem a bit unnatural to drink distilled water. I have resolved this by indeed drinking distilled water, but adding a pinch of pulverized multi-mineral tablet to each glass. I actually use a pair of glasses: I pour 10-oz distilled water into one glass, add the pinch of pulverized minerals, and then mix by pouring back-and-forth several times to get the multi-mineral (mostly) into solution. Also, this vigorous mixing contributes to the OXYGENATION of the water as recommended by Dr. Thomas Cowan.
Finally, I would like to add that I have been drinking exclusively distilled water produced by my Made-In-USA Pure Water countertop distiller for four years. I even use distilled water in my rice preparation and even my vegetable steaming. It is amazing to see all of the residue that builds up on the vessel interior, and to think that my liver and kidneys were going to have to deal with that mess had I directly drunk the tap water. Moreover, I don’t even want to imagine what chemicals that the activated carbon filter has rescued me from.
Thanks Pure & Secure!!
I have had a water distiller for several years. The only thing I don’t like is cleaning it. Wish I had someone that would service it in Dawson.