Should You Buy a Water Distiller? Many people wonder if water distillers are worth the money, so we thought we would break down the pros and cons of owning a water distiller versus other options from tap water to pitcher filters, bottled water, and reverse osmosis systems. By the end of this … [Read more...]
What are the Best Water Distillers?
The best water distillers are long-lasting, stainless steel, made in the USA, manual or automatic Pure Water® Distillers bar none. At Pure & Secure, makers of Pure Water Distillers, we are passionate about providing people with an easy and convenient way to get refreshing clean … [Read more...]
How to Make Distilled Water at Home
If you are looking for instructions on how to make distilled water, you've come to the right place! While you can distill water using items likely to be found in your kitchen, it is much easier to purchase a Pure Water Distiller. Step 1: Fill a large (1 – 5 gallon) stainless steel pot half … [Read more...]
How the Distillation Process Works (Video)
In this video, our President, Al Meder, takes contaminated water and shows how the distillation process works to produce clean drinking water. The machine on the left shows you how the product works. Note that the water is red in the flask, and then comes out clean into the glass. Pure Water … [Read more...]