Yesterday we posted an amazing video about radioactive contaminants in your water. This video was just one part of a larger investigation. Here’s a link to the rest of their articles.
Part I: Radiation in your tap water
Part 2: State ‘lowballs’ radiation scores in water
Part 3: Radiation in tap water: Long history of contamination
Part 4: Residents of Houston neighborhood concerned about cancers, radioactive water
Part 5: I-Team: Draft of federal report finds radiation widespread in Houston water
Part 6: I-Team: City of Houston shuts down two radioactive water wells
Part 7: Radiation in Water: Council members call for stricter standards than EPA
Part 8: I-Team: EPA underreports radiation in America’s drinking water supplies
Hat’s off to this team of investigative journalists in Houston!
This sure shows us how easily we can believe our water is good.
Glenn, thank you for all those links…..a lot of food for thought!!!
Thomas Ryan, Galway, Ireland.
Yes, there is so much information out there on this subject that you’d think it would be common knowledge, but it’s not. That’s what we are trying to do – get people to realize and care what goes into their bodies!