When you're deciding what kind of water purification system you and your family need, there's a lot to consider: effectiveness, cost, maintenance, environmental impact... the list goes on. But if you've narrowed down your decision to water distillation vs reverse osmosis, you're in the right … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About Glyphosate and Roundup
Glyphosate in Drinking WaterWater testing shows that at least 70% of American household's drinking water is positive for above detectable levels of glyphosate. The EPA MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level) for glyphosate in the U.S. is 700 ug/L. This limit was decided upon by the EPA based on the now … [Read more...]
Is the “Forever Chemical” in your water?
PFA contamination in the United States A recent update (March 2019) published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute at Northeastern University, includes a map of the United States that documents publicly the currently known extent of … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About PFAs, including PFOS and PFOA
There has been a lot of confusion regarding PFCs and PFASs, and this is largely because the abbreviation PFCs can stand for two different things:(Source: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/what-are-pfcs-and-how-do-they-relate-and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfass)PFAS is a replacement for one of the … [Read more...]
Sterile Water vs Distilled Water
Lately, a new question has been popping up online: what's the difference between sterile water and distilled water?Sterile water has usually been boiled to kill anything living in the water, but it still has other things in it. Distilled water is made to get you as close to pure H2O as possible - no … [Read more...]
The Importance of Pure Drinking Water
August is National Water Quality Month As you may know, August is National Water Quality Month. National Water Quality Month was founded years ago to educate consumers about the importance of clean water. Water, especially PURE water, is so important not only to our well-being but our … [Read more...]
Are Microbeads in Your Drinking Water?
What are Microbeads? Microbeads are man-made solid plastic particles of less than one millimeter in their largest dimension. They are commercially available in particle sizes of 10 micrometers to 1 micrometer. That would be the equivalent of 0.00039 inches to 0.039 inches so they are very small and … [Read more...]
Lead Contaminated Tap Water: What’s Your Risk?
It Started in Flint, Michigan Nearly everyone is familiar with the Flint Michigan Water Crisis where lead was being leached from old pipes into drinking water. In 2014, in an effort to save money, the city of Flint switched from its original water provider to using water from the Flint River. … [Read more...]
How to Remove Fluoride from Water
Does Distilled Water Have Fluoride? No. Distilled water does not have fluoride. Water Distillation Systems are superior at removing fluoride. Third party lab testing reports show that the removal rate of fluoride by Pure Water distillers is greater than 99%. Water filters that remove fluoride … [Read more...]
Effective Nitrate Removal from Water
Nitrates in water can cause blue blood syndrome and birth defects, as well as stomach and colon cancer. Nitrates are mainly used in fertilizers for better crop production. This can cause water quality issues, especially for people who live in states that are heavily involved in farming, … [Read more...]
Removing Chlorine from Drinking Water
Chlorine in drinking water is a big concern these days, which has prompted numerous people to look for ways to remove chlorine from tap water. While chlorine is added to municipal water supplies as a disinfectant to kill disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, it also … [Read more...]
Is There Arsenic in Your Tap or Well Water?
Arsenic in Well Water and Tap Water It is well established that high levels of arsenic in drinking water can lead to severe health problems long-term. Well owners must be extra vigilant as arsenic has no color, taste, or odor. Well water quality can vary from location to location, so it is essential … [Read more...]