In recent years, fluoride in water has become one of the most controversial topics among people interested in public health and safety. Many people question how much fluoride is in their well or tap water and the implications for their health. This article provides a comprehensive overview of … [Read more...]
The Best Well Water Purification Systems for Homes
Many well owners purchase well water purification systems in an effort to provide their families with safe drinking water. If a well owner does not carefully monitor their water quality, there can be serious health risks both in the short and long term. For those who rely on a well water system, … [Read more...]
Fluoride – The Aging Factor
Fluoride is very much in the news again as more and more of the dangers of fluoride come to light. In this article we will discuss the top dangers of fluoride. From a historical perspective, I find it very interesting to note that the very first customer for a Pure Water distiller was a lady here … [Read more...]
The Truth About Fluoride, Part 3
Today I want to talk about fluoride and your child. When we had our child eleven years ago, our pediatrician told us that using tap water with the baby formula was fine. Obviously she was quite uneducated about fluoride and water in general. She was also obviously unaware that even the American … [Read more...]