Water distillation duplicates nature’s hydrologic cycle, which is the source of all fresh water on the planet. Here’s how it works; the Sun heats up the contaminated ocean water and some of the water evaporates. When the water changes from a liquid to a vapor it let’s go of the contaminants, so … [Read more...]
Blog or Twitter about our WATERCOLOGY video!
Do you have blog? Perhaps you’re on Facebook or Twitter. We would love your support in sharing our new “watercology” video. We created this video to educate people on how absolutely vital it is to protect ourselves from the toxins that can be found in our tap water. Check out the video right now by … [Read more...]
Spread the word about pure, distilled water…
Our business is built around a very simple idea; water contamination is a reality of our world today and it’s our individual responsibility to ensure that we are putting only pure distilled water into our bodies. This is our passion and it’s why we are fully committed to doing this business right. … [Read more...]
The Plague of Plastic Bottles
Every day Americans throw away over 60 million bottles of water! That’s more than 22 billion bottles a year, added on to the previous year’s waste, and the previous years, etc. There are many people that say we should just drink tap water, because it’s safe. I totally disagree. Look at the news … [Read more...]
Question: How does distillation remove chemicals such as chlorine? Won't chlorine and other harmful chemicals simply vaporize with the water vapor? How then does the distiller separate the chlorine vapor from the water vapor?
Thank you for your excellent question. As a starting point, I want to clarify that we use distillation as our core treatment technology because it consistently removes the largest range of contaminants, but we also incorporate other treatment methods into our water distillers. There is no treatment … [Read more...]
Why distillation is the best for an emergency…
During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina the water was extremely dangerous. It was so dangerous in fact, that you weren't even supposed to touch it. Serious water contamination is one of the main problems during a disaster, so how do you treat the water? Here's a link to the American Red Cross … [Read more...]