Some communities in America already know how impossible it is to try to go a day without our most precious resource: Water. But many Americans take water for granted every day. This year, especially, as we face the coronavirus pandemic, we've seen the importance of water and wastewater systems in … [Read more...]
The Economics of Water Shortage
When there are water shortages, conservation means seeing lawns dry out and plants die. But there’s another side this problem as many residents of California are discovering. There are fixed costs in operating a water treatment plant. In normal times this cost is offset by revenues from consumer … [Read more...]
Be Prepared
When I was a young boy I was a member of the Boy Scouts. This is a wonderful organization which taught young boys so many basic skills. The Boy Scouts had a motto: “Be Prepared”. These two words have so much meaning across life when you think about it. Apply these to your life and instill … [Read more...]
Water Quality in a Drought
The Great California Drought: It’s been all over the news lately that California is getting into more and more trouble with the continuing drought and dwindling water supply. Not enough people are conserving it, crops need it and enforcing conservation is extremely difficult. While everyone is … [Read more...]
Water Pollution in China Escalates
More and More information is coming out about China’s horrible air pollution. Even getting to work is posing a health hazard because of the thick smog in many urban areas. What has not been getting the attention it deserves is the pollution in China’s water. Water pollution is becoming a major … [Read more...]