Water is the foundation of life, but not all water is the same. If you’ve ever stood in the bottled water aisle wondering whether to grab spring water or purified water, you’re not alone. Some people love the fresh, mineral-rich taste of spring water, while others prefer the … [Read more...]
How to Remove Perchlorate from Water
What is Perchlorate? Perchlorate is a chemical compound comprising one chlorine atom and four oxygen atoms, represented by the formula ClO4-. It occurs both naturally and as an artificial substance. Naturally occurring perchlorate can be found in certain soils and mineral deposits, particularly in … [Read more...]
Reverse Osmosis versus Distilled Water
Many people ask about the benefits of drinking water purified by reverse osmosis versus distilled water. Both systems can remove a number of contaminants, but distillation removes more contaminants and more reliably. What is Reverse Osmosis? Reverse Osmosis is a water … [Read more...]
What is the Difference Between Water Purification and Water Distillation?
What is Water Purification? Water purification refers to the process of removing unwanted gases, solids, chemicals, viruses, or biological contaminants from water. What is Distillation? Distillation is a form of water purification, and it is also the most effective as it removes over 99% of … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Pure Water Distillers are Good for the Environment
Our customers have always been ahead of the curve – understanding that an investment in distillation is an investment in health, safety, and long-term savings.But you may not have realized that choosing to distill your water with a Pure Water distiller also has wide-reaching benefits for the planet … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About PFAs, including PFOS and PFOA
There has been a lot of confusion regarding PFCs and PFASs, and this is largely because the abbreviation PFCs can stand for two different things:(Source: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/what-are-pfcs-and-how-do-they-relate-and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfass)PFAS is a replacement for one of the … [Read more...]
Electrolytes in my Water
What is an Electrolyte? Every so often we come across people who claim the main reason for not wanting to drink distilled water is they have heard that distilled water does not have any electrolytes in it. This is really pretty much the same objection that people are giving when they say that … [Read more...]
Is There Arsenic in Your Tap or Well Water?
Arsenic in Well Water and Tap Water It is well established that high levels of arsenic in drinking water can lead to severe health problems long-term. Well owners must be extra vigilant as arsenic has no color, taste, or odor. Well water quality can vary from location to location, so it is essential … [Read more...]