There are hundreds of distilled water uses. Many people know distilled water is beneficial for irons, but did you know that it is also the best drinking water available? Distilled water can be used for everything from drinking to reconstituting baby formula to hydroponic farming and food processing. Pure Water Distillers have provided both residential and commercial customers with high-quality water free from chemicals, contaminants, toxins, viruses, and bacteria for over fifty years.
What is Distilled Water?
Distilled water is water that has been gently heated, then condensed, and collected into a container. It’s very similar to the process of evaporation, condensation, and rainfall. Distillation machines mirror the hydrologic cycle. This is the best water purification method because it is the most natural. As the water is heated, contaminants like viruses, bacteria, lead, and arsenic are left behind. Clean steam is condensed and collected. It is this pure, contaminant-free water that we call distilled water. [Read our full article titled What is Distilled Water?]
Distilled Water for Cooking & Baking
Any recipe that calls for water is a candidate for pure distilled water. Soups are cleaner tasting, and the flavors shine through with distilled water. Making bread with distilled water is a treat. Why introduce chlorine into your dough? Making a cake is a breeze with distilled water. Your cake will come out fluffy and delicious with the help of distilled water.
Drinking Water and Ice Cubes
Have you ever put ice in a soda only to ruin it with low-quality ice? Do you enjoy drinks like gin or whisky on the rocks? If so, you want your ice crystal clear. Distilled water produces ice that is free of particles or contaminants, which will keep your drink flavor crisp. A stainless steel water bottle filled with distilled water is perfect on the go as well. There is no need for bottled water as it’s pricey and produces a lot of waste. You already have the best tasting water ready to go when you own a Pure Water distiller.
Distilled Water for Baby Formula
When making baby formula, no water can compare to safe distilled water. Both formula manufacturers and pediatricians recommend distilled water for baby formula because it is toxin and contaminant free. Water distillers are able to remove 99.9% of bacteria, nitrates, viruses, lead, and even uranium! The most fantastic aspect of owning a water distiller is that you can rest easy, knowing that your water is safe. [Learn more about distilled water for baby formula…]
Distilled Water for Hair
If you want to have beautiful hair without the hard water, distilled water is your new best friend. After shampooing, rinse your hair with distilled water. Hard water and tap water often contains minerals that will weigh your hair down, making it look dull and heavy. Do you have curly hair? Do you want to get those perfect ringlets? Distilled water is a big part of the equation. High-end hair salons rinse their client’s hair with distilled water to remove the build-up on hair. With a water distiller, you can do that at home! [Learn more about distilled water for hair care…]
Distilled Water for Plants
Houseplants and seeds benefit from distilled water. Plants love distilled water because it is free of chemicals. It’s perfect for spraying leaves, and it keeps your plants shiny and beautiful. Don’t spray your plants with tap water that can leave hard water residue. We have had numerous students over the years who have compared the results of germinating seeds with tap water with distilled water. Distilled water produces impressive results. Keep your plants happy, beautiful and healthy with distilled water! [Learn more about distilled water for plants]
Distilled Water for Cleaning
Don’t ever buy glass cleaner from the store again. To make glass cleaner, use half distilled water and half vinegar. If you are trying to get water stains off wine glasses, an easy way to remove them is to soak the glasses in distilled water. Get spots off of sports glasses too. When I played racquetball, I went through a new pair of goggles every few months because the salt build-up from my sweat ruined them. Any attempt to wipe them clean would scratch the lenses and make them useless. I eventually figured out that if I soaked my goggles in distilled water overnight, the salt would dissolve, and the goggles would be like new again. [Learn more about distilled water for Cleaning…]
Distilled Water for Irons
Most people know that irons require distilled water because it is free of minerals like calcium and magnesium concentrated with heat. You might be familiar with the crust that builds up with tap water use. If you are, you know how annoying it can be when it clogs the steam holes, or worse, spits out chunks onto your clothing. If you own a Pure Water Distiller, you won’t need to run to the store for jugs of distilled water. Instead, you will have it readily available in your home. [Learn more about distilled water for Irons…]
Distilled Water for Humidifiers
Humidifiers suffer from crust and scale in the same way that irons do when using tap water. With an automatic water distiller, you will have gallons of distilled water available daily to fill multiple humidifiers as needed. The mist will be clean and pure. Using distilled water is recommended by most humidifier manufacturers, and it extends the life of your humidifier, which will save you money. [Learn more about distilled water for humidifiers…]
Distilled Water for CPAP Machines
We can’t stress enough the importance of using distilled water for CPAP machines. If you breathe in humidified air via your CPAP, you want it to be virus, bacteria, and contaminant free. Tap water is not recommended, and it is not safe to use. It will also reduce the life of your CPAP humidifier. Have you ever had a boil alert in your area? It often takes time to realize that the tap water has been affected by a pipe break or other mishap. Take care of your health and your investment by using distilled water for your CPAP machine. [Learn more about distilled water for CPAP…]
Distilled Water for Dogs, Cats & Birds
Our pets are like a member of the family. Pet owners buy high-quality food for their pets, take them to the vet, help them get exercise, and more, but many pet owners overlook water quality. Did you know that we have supplied water distillation systems to vet offices? It’s the best water for animals who are ill or have stomach issues. It’s also the best water for animals that are well. If you are giving yourself the gift of delicious, refreshing pure distilled water, give some to your furry or feathered friends as well. Smaller animals can be more susceptible to waterborne illnesses or chemicals found in tap water. Our own Dr. Water says when given a choice, his dogs will pick distilled water over tap water. We think the choice is clear too. [Learn more about distilled water for dogs & cats…]
Pro Tip: Keep your Pure Water distiller clean with manufacturer approved Lumen water distiller cleaner.
How Can I Get Distilled Water in My Home?
There are so many benefits of distilled water use that we are sure you will enjoy owning a distiller. Pure Water Distillers come in small countertop models that produce nearly one gallon of water per batch, or automatic water distillers that produce many gallons of distilled water daily and store distilled water for easy use. If you own your home or your family consists of two or more people, we recommend an automatic water distiller. If you need smaller amounts of distilled water or live in an apartment, a portable countertop water distiller might be right for you. If you want information about our distillation systems or have questions, please call us at 1-800-875-5915. We have the best water distiller for home use and we proudly make our water distillers in the USA.
Can you use distilled water for cleaning a wound instead of sterile water,is%20still%20your%20best%20choice.
Does distilled water contain lime?
Thank you for asking. No, there is no lime in distilled water as lime falls under the category of inorganic minerals that are effectively removed through the distillation process. For more information on categories of contaminants removed via distillation:
I have been utilizing distilled water for at least 7 months and it has made a difference in my blood pressure being stable. I cook with it, use in humidifier, and drink abouy 6 glasses daily.
That’s awesome. Which unit did you buy?